Mentor Team Toolkit


Don’t get overwhelmed! You’ve already made a difference by signing up to be a mentor with Adopt A Class. We are here to help you every step of the way.

First and foremost, please sign our Safety & Security Agreement in our Mentor Portal. Our Mentor Portal assists mentors with team management and improves the visibility of other teams at your company. Reminder: All mentors must sign this agreement before entering the classroom!

Need help? Unsure where to begin? Click HERE for step-by-step instructions on how to create your account in our Mentor Portal.

Teacher Communication:

  • Follow Their Lead: Find out the best way to communicate with your teacher and use that mode of communication.
  • Be Consistent: Set a routine visit time if possible (i.e. second Thursday of every month). Teachers have many moving parts. The more we can provide consistency and predictability, the better – for teachers AND students!
  • Fill the Need: Share your overall plan with the teacher at the beginning of the year and ask if s/he has specific areas where you can enhance their classroom curriculum. Meeting the students where they are developmentally and socially is also important. Your teacher is your biggest resource here.
  • Team Communication:

  • Time Blocking: Schedule classroom visits as meetings on your calendar and invite your team members.Please consider your AAC liaison as a part of your team! Add us to calendar invites, email communication, etc. We try to make as many visits as possible and love to feature our mentor teams across our social media channels.
  • Plan Ahead: Have a planning meeting with your team between visits, to discuss your planned lesson, and to delegate responsibilities. Activities will flow better if your team knows the plan.
  • Classroom Management:

  • Learn the Rules: Observe how your teacher gets students to quiet down and model the teacher.
  • Work in Small Groups: Use the icebreaker to explain the lesson or activity for the day. Then, break into groups of 3-4. Small groups are easier to manage, students participate more freely, and you will learn more from them as individuals.
  • Safety: Your teacher should always be in the classroom while you are mentoring. You should never be alone in the classroom without a teacher or school representative present.
  • Working with Students: The following tip sheets are designed to help our mentors support English language learners, engage middle school students, and work effectively with neurodiverse students to create meaningful and inclusive learning experiences.
      How to Best Serve Your English Language Learner Mentees
      Tips and Tricks for Engaging Middle School Students
      Working with Neurodiverse Students Tip Sheet
  • Classroom Activities:

  • Lesson Plans: Create your own lesson plans based on ideas from your company or download activities from our website at
  • Log Visits: Please log each visit at Not only does this help us document and quantify our impact, it also helps us when applying for grants so we can reach more classrooms and students. At the end of the school year, this data is used to create Impact Reports that you can use to promote the great work you’ve done in your community!
  • Mentor Lesson Submission: Did your team create a great activity that you’d like to offer other mentor teams to use? Please use the link below to submit your lesson!

    Adopt A Class Mentor Lesson Submission

  • Classroom Visit 101:

      First 10 minutes – Introduction & Icebreaker
  • Introduce yourself and any new mentors​.
  • Conduct a fun icebreaker to get students excited, focused, and involved​.
    • 30 to 40 minutes – Activity​
  • Set up included in this timeframe! Easy setup and cleanup makes for a more enjoyable visit for everyone​.
  • Small groups is best, remember the 1 mentor to 4 student ratio!​
  • You can focus your activity around College & Career Pathways, Essential Employability Skills, STE(A)M​, and/or life skills.
    • 10 to 15 minutes – Snack & Wrap Up Your Visit​
  • If not already established, the Team Lead will connect with teacher to decide when next visit is.​
  • Lastly, make sure to log your mentoring session!
    • Check out our Classroom Visit 101 video for step-by-step instructions of how to conduct a successful classroom visit.


    Field Trips are important part of the AAC experience and demonstrate to students what you do as organization or business. They expand students’ perspective on what a workplace can look like and the types of skills it takes to put it all together.

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    The process for planning field trip transportation may vary according to your mentor team(s) school placement. The field trip will fall into one of these 3 categories:

    1. School District Arranges Own Transportation

  • According to our records, the following school districts coordinate their own transportation:
    1. i. Boone County Schools (Ockerman Elementary School)
      ii. Covington Independent Public Schools (Glenn O. Swing Elementary School, Holmes Middle School, John G. Carlisle Elementary School)
      iii. Hamilton City School District (Linden Elementary School and Wilson Middle School)
      iv. Middletown City Schools (Amanda, Creekview, Mayfield, Miller Ridge, Rosa Parks, Wildwood elementary schools, and Middletown Middle School)
      v. Oak Hills School District (Delshire Elementary School)
      vi. Princeton City Schools (Glendale, Heritage Hill, Lincoln Heights, and Sharonville elementary schools)
  • After team lead and teacher have agreed upon a field trip date and school leadership has approved, team lead should work with teacher to coordinate transportation.
  • Corporate partners will reimburse the school for the cost of the transportation. School will provide an invoice to you as the corporate partner.
  • Civic and nonprofit partners can request *transportation grant funds to cover the cost. The process for requesting transportation grant funds is easy – please contact your AAC School Liaison for approval.
  • 2. AAC Arranges Transportation

  • AAC can arrange transportation IF your mentor team is not at a school district listed above in option 1 AND the entire trip can (including travel time) occur between the timeframe of 9:30am and 1:30pm.
  • After team lead and teacher have agreed upon a field trip date and school leadership has approved, team lead should complete the AAC Transportation Request Form. All requests must be submitted a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to the field trip date. April 15 is the last day requests will be accepted.
  • Each bus will cost $500. Corporate partners will select their method of payment in the AAC Transportation Request Form.
  • . Civic and nonprofit partners will check the box for *transportation grant funds within the AAC Transportation Request Form.
  • 3. Mentor Team Arranges Transportation

    You can contact Petermann Bus or First Student directly IF your mentor team:

  • Is not at a school district listed above in option 1, OR
  • The trip cannot occur between 9:30am and 1:30pm, OR
  • You wish to book transportation without the support of AAC.
  • ENJOY! Field trips are enjoyed by both students and mentors. Thank you for providing career and life experiences that they may not have had without you!

    * Thanks to the ongoing support of the Dater Foundation, Adopt A Class is pleased to provide a transportation grant program to help civic and nonprofit partners cover a portion of their field trip costs (if needed).

    Questions? Contact [email protected].

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    Adopt A Class encourages your company to share about your involvement externally. See below for all marketing needs, as well as tips and tricks!

    Do’s & Dont’s


  • DO: Post and/or Repost from your company’s social media accounts.
  • DO: Tag Adopt A Class, your school, and the school district in your social posts.
  • DO: Include the Adopt A Class logo in your social posts.
  • DON’TS

  • DON’T: Post from your personal social media account.
  • DON’T: Post photos of students who aren’t allowed to be photographed.
  • DON’T: Include students name’s in your post.
  • Name Tags, AAC Take Home Letter, & End of Year Achievement Certificate

    Adopt A Class has provided a Name Tag template for you to use during your class visits, a Take Home Letter, and End of Year Achievement Certificate.

    Providing Name Tags at your class visits will make it easier to identify students and begin to learning their names. Our Take Home Letter serves as a way you can notify your student’s guardians that their child is being mentored by YOUR company! We ask you to use our template to co-brand and share about your company. Once completed, give to copies to your teacher so they can disperse to the students. Lastly, our End of Year Achievement Certificate serves as a way to congratulate each student in your class for completing a year of exploring career pathways through mentorship with Adopt A Class. Please feel free to download the certificate and edit / co-brand with your company’s logo as necessary.

    Suggestion: Print both of these documents out before your first visit. For the Name Tags, you can allow the teacher to write each student’s name. These can either be kept by you, our mentoring team, or for the teacher to disperse before every mentoring session. For the AAC Take Home Letters, please go in and edit with your companies logo and information. Once you have the number of students in your classroom, print accordingly and hand these to your teacher so they can pass them out to the students to bring home.

    AAC Merchandise & Apparel

    Adopt A Class has partnered with Queen City Spirit to offer you the opportunity to purchase custom merchandise and apparel. Items are great for mentor teams, teachers, principals, and other partners of Adopt A Class.

    In addition to our simple branded merchandise, you can co-brand your order by having both your organization’s logo and the Adopt A Class logo on the same garment! Click the link below to explore your options.

    Join us on Social Media!

    Brand Assets

    Below you’ll find various file types of Adopt A Class logo for use.

    Questions? Please contact our Director of Marketing & Communications, Jeni Jenkins, at [email protected].

    Full color logo

    Download logo file

    For use on white/light background

    Download logo file

    For use on dark background

    Download logo file