Olympic Torch Relay

Olympic Torch Relay

Materials: I Didn’t Win – Book (Note: the author of this book is local Olympian and CPS Board Member Mary Wineberg), Olympic Torch supplies (paper tubes, ribbon, tissue paper, permanent marker), Colored stickers, & Olympic Torch Video.



1. Begin by asking students if they have heard of or watched the Olympics.[Allow a few minutes for student responses.] Share with students that the author of today’s book is an Olympic Gold Medalist from the 2008 Beijing Olympics—and that she lives in Cincinnati! She wrote the book I Didn’t Win which they are about to hear. *Optional Tips: If your team did not assemble the Olympic Torch prior to arriving, have available mentors do this now while another is reading the book— follow the instructions on the included “Olympic Torch Relay” page.

2. Read I Didn’t Win to the students.

***NOTE: If teacher approves, you can move the students to a “group” setting (carpet, reading space).

3. After finishing the story, ask students a few follow-up questions such as “Have you ever practiced for something but didn’t do it well later?” “Have you ever lost a game or competition and were very upset?” Allow a few minutes for student responses.

4. Explain the activity you will be completing as a class today. The class will be participating in their own “Olympic Torch Relay” where they will be completing different tasks in teams to complete the relay. They will be split into teams and complete whatever task is pulled from the Olympic Torch (created by the mentors).

5.Display the video The History of the Olympic Flame. Explain to students the significance of the flame in the Opening Ceremony (it symbolizes peace and friendship between people). Show the short video before moving on.

6.Split the students into teams of 4-5 with at least 1 mentor paired with each team. Give each student on a team a different colored sticker (so that each student on the team has a different color).

7. Determine a “starting/finishing” spot in the classroom (or outside if chosen). Place 1 mentor at this spot (if there are not enough mentors to be with a group and at this spot, position the teacher here). Place an object at the opposite end to be a turnaround checkpoint (e.g. a chair, a cone, something that can stay at that spot).

8. Whomever is holding the torch will pick a colored sticker to start (e.g. “Any student with a blue sticker will complete this task”). Call all students with that sticker to the starting point. Be very specific with students: “We will start when I say ‘3, 2, 1, Go!'” “You can only travel doing the action I say.” “You have to go to the checkpoint and then come back to me.”

9. Pull a ribbon out of the torch and read the task. Give the students their starting mark (e.g. 3, 2, 1, Go!). Monitor students as they complete the task—going to the checkpoint and then back to start.

10. Once that group of students has finished, have them return to their team. Call the next group of colored stickers to the start and pull another ribbon with a different task. Repeat the process until all students have had a chance to participate.

11. If time allows, you can complete a second round of tasks. If not, end after the last round of students have gone and finish the visit with a recap of the events in your small groups.

***NOTE:See the second side of the “Olympic Torch Relay” sheet for variations.***


Tips: *Optional: Assemble the Olympic Torch prior to your visit to reduce set- up time. This activity can be done outside if weather and teacher permit. It could also be done in a Gym if available. Talk to students about coming up with their own tasks for the relay.


Download Olympic Torch Relay Activity here.


Grade Range: K-2nd


Time: 30-40 minutes


Synopsis: Students will explore what it looks like when we try for something but it does not go the way we want it to. Additionally, students will participate in an active relay to practice teamwork and individual motor skills.