Haikus Haikus

Haikus Haikus

Materials: Paper and a pencil, Haiku rules (see below), suggested topics (see below)



  1. Define ‘Haiku’ for the students – let them know that it is an old form of Japanese poetry that follows a defined set of rules (see below). Remind the students what a syllable is…a part of a word that contains a single vowel sound that is pronounced as a unit…”Book” – one syllable, “Water” – two syllables, “Basketball” – three syllables.
  2. Read the following examples of Haikus to the students:
    A fat bee stings me
    It hurts very badly but,
    I do not cry though
    Ladybugs are red
    And have black spots on their wings
    Experts at flying
    The bee flies quickly
    It turns around and stings me
    Then falls to the ground
  3. Practice counting the syllables in the Haikus. Take a minute to check for understanding.
  4. When students have a good grasp, let them know that you will put a list of suggested topics in the chat feature so that they might choose and begin.
  5. Give students approximately 10 minutes to work for a bit – consider playing some ‘thinking’ music (something classical in nature!) Let them know that you will be seeking volunteers to share when they have completed. Mentors should work on theirs at this time, too.
  6. After students have worked for about 10 minutes, ask students who would like to share to use their ‘thumbs up’ or ‘hand raise’ feature. It is important that mentors share their work too!
  7. Please encourage clapping and praise for those whom have shared!


Download activity here

Grade Range: 6 – 8 

Time: 20 – 30 Minutes


Synopsis: This activity is a fun way to engage students in the writing of poetry. Haikus are easy, follow a set of rules, and introduce the students to a great way of expressing themselves.** Consider using the hand raise/thumbs up feature of your virtual platform to assist with determining who will answer **