Airplane Strength Journals

Airplane Strength Journals

Materials: Astra The Lonely Airplane – Book, C2C airplane journals, Pencils, & Coloring supplies (whatever students have for classroom use)



1. Share with students that they will be hearing a story called Astra The Lonely Airplane. Explain that the story tells about an airplane pilot and the plane that he flies. Also tell them that this story takes place in Cincinnati!

2.Read Astra The Lonely Airplane to the students.

***NOTE: If teacher allows, you can move the students to a “group” setting (carpet, reading space).***

3. At this point, break students up into small groups (4-5 students per group), preferably at tables or desks. Mentors should join students in these small groups (at least one mentor per group). Each group will need a journal for each student and something to write or draw in the journals with (students can use their own personal supplies or whatever is available to use in the classroom per the teacher).

4. Mentors should start by asking students in their group what “strengths” are. As the students respond, steer them toward a discussion about finding strengths in themselves and others. You may give them some examples of what these strengths might be (i.e. kind, funny, artistic, helpful, athletic, respectful, creative).

5. Hand out the airplane journals to each student. Instruct students to think of the strengths that describe them. Explain that they will write a strength on each page, or draw a picture of the strength on each page of their journal. Assist students with spelling or coming up with strengths as necessary.

6. If time allows, students may share a few of their pages with their classmates.


Tips: Use the included “List of Character Strengths” list to help give your students ideas if they are stuck!


Download Airplane Strengths Journal Activity here.


Grade Range: K-2nd


Time: 30-40 minutes


Synopsis: Students will hear a story about a pilot and his airplane. While Astra meets many different people throughout the story, students will see that they all have differences that make them stand out. They will complete a journal where they can identify their own strengths to celebrate.