2023 Celebration Breakfast Recap
Our 2023 Celebration Breakfast on Wednesday, June 14th at Greenacres Foundation was a success! With over 400 attendees, we had the honor of recognizing incredible mentors, companies, and educators of the AAC community.
Our sincerest gratitude to all who came to celebrate with us! And a special thank you to Jeff Berding, Co-CEO of FC Cincinnati, in being our fantastic guest speaker. Please see below for a comprehensive list of awards – and thank you to everyone for another wonderful year of partnership!
- Founder’s Award: Cincinnati Police Department
- Funder of the Year: FC Cincinnati
- Spark Award: Hightowers Petroleum Co.
- 20th Anniversary Award: Community Learning Center Institute
- Corporate Partners of the Year: BGR, Metro, PwC
Finalists: Gravity Diagnostics, RDI Corporation, Driehaus Insurance, HGC Construction, LaRosa’s, Givaudan, Kaleidoscope, FIS Global
- Program Partner of the Year: Cincinnati Museum Center
Finalists: Cincinnati State Technical & Community College, University of Cincinnati, Crayons to Computers, Blue Manatee Press
- Community Group of the Year: CET
Finalists: Old Seminary Square, Contemporary Arts Center, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Hamilton County Prosecutors Office
- Team Lead of the Year: Ed Barber, P&G
Finalists: Cathy Rehn, Central Church of Christ; Maria Dehne & Marybeth Kenney, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital & Medical Center; Kevin Wiesner, Greater Cincinnati Water Works; Jacoby Steele, Prysmian Group; David Nevers, Western & Southern
- Program Champion of the Year: Angela Easton & Joan Carmack, Duke Energy
- Teacher of the Year K-2: Mallori Jones, Lincoln Heights Elementary School
- Teacher of the Year 3-5: Melissa Bailey, Westwood Elementary
- Teacher of the Year 6-8: Heidi Yocum, Hughes STEM High School
- Resource Coordinator of the Year: Heather England, Rockdale Academy
- Principal of the Year: Deanna Narcisse, Wildwood Elementary School
Thank you to our sponsors! Our event wouldn’t be possible without their kindness and generosity.

At our Celebration Breakfast, the Hamilton County Commissioner, Denise Driehaus, presented a proclamation to CEO Sonya Fultz and Founder Bill Burwinkel. This proclamation grants that June 14th is Adopt A Class Day in all of Hamilton County. This was a fantastic way to commemorate the kickoff of the 20th anniversary of Adopt A Class.

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