Adopt A Class Founder, Bill Burwinkel named Philanthropist of the Year 2022 by AFP Greater Cincinnati Chapter
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Cincinnati Chapter has named Adopt A Class Founder, Bill Burwinkel, 2022 Philanthropist of the Year. The award recognizes Mr. Burwinkel’s exceptional generosity, outstanding civic and charitable responsibility, leadership roles in Greater Cincinnati organizations, and his ability to motivate and inspire others in philanthropy.
Mr. Burwinkel was nominated for the category Philanthropist of the Year by Adopt A Class (AAC) with several Greater Cincinnati organizations and leaders supporting his nomination, including Christina LaRosa, Executive Director at Cincinnati Gold Gloves for Youth, Todd Palmeter, CEO Great Parks of Hamilton County, Darlene Kamine, Executive Director at Community Learning Center Institute, and Oyler School’s Enrichment Program Manager, Tiffaney Hamm.
Mr. Burwinkle will be presented with the 2022 Philanthropist of the Year Award during AFP Greater Cincinnati’s National Philanthropy Day Luncheon on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at Music Hall.
To read more, check out the article by Movers & Makers Cincinnati at
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