Activities Beyond the Classroom’s Cheri Jordan Named Resource Coordinator of the Year By AAC
Congratulations to this year’s Adopt A Class Celebration Breakfast Resource Coordinator of the Year, Cheri Jordan!
Ms. Cheri helps coordinate our 7 Adopt A Class mentor teams for 1st through 5th grade at Cincinnati Public School’s Silverton Elementary School. When asked about her relationship with Adopt A Class, Cheri had this to say: “It’s been an honor working with Silverton Elementary’s Adopt A Class teams and leadership these past few years! I was able to witness first-hand the dedication and care they have for our students through their readiness to support Silverton’s educational needs even in the midst of the barriers that COVID presented. I appreciate their level of commitment and look forward to a continuation of the relationships that have been built!”
Check out the link below to read Activities Beyond the Classroom’s blog about Cheri Jordan’s impact on Silverton Elementary and its students. Congratulations again, Ms. Cheri!
ABC’s Cheri Jordan Named Resource Coordinator of the Year By Adopt A Class
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