Field Trips

Field Trips are important part of the AAC experience and demonstrate to students what you do as organization or business. They expand students’ perspective on what a workplace can look like and the types of skills it takes to put it all together.

The process for planning field trip transportation may vary according to your mentor team(s) school placement. The field trip will fall into one of these 3 categories:

1. School District Arranges Own Transportation

  • According to our records, the following school districts coordinate their own transportation:
    1. i. Boone County Schools (Ockerman Elementary School)
      ii. Covington Independent Public Schools (Glenn O. Swing Elementary School, Holmes Middle School, John G. Carlisle Elementary School)
      iii. Hamilton City School District (Linden Elementary School and Wilson Middle School)
      iv. Middletown City Schools (Amanda, Creekview, Mayfield, Miller Ridge, Rosa Parks, Wildwood elementary schools, and Middletown Middle School)
      v. Oak Hills School District (Delshire Elementary School)
      vi. Princeton City Schools (Glendale, Heritage Hill, Lincoln Heights, and Sharonville elementary schools)
  • After team lead and teacher have agreed upon a field trip date and school leadership has approved, team lead should work with teacher to coordinate transportation.
  • Corporate partners will reimburse the school for the cost of the transportation. School will provide an invoice to you as the corporate partner.
  • Civic and nonprofit partners can request *transportation grant funds to cover the cost. The process for requesting transportation grant funds is easy – please contact your AAC School Liaison for approval.
  • 2. AAC Arranges Transportation

  • AAC can arrange transportation IF your mentor team is not at a school district listed above in option 1 AND the entire trip can (including travel time) occur between the timeframe of 9:30am and 1:30pm.
  • After team lead and teacher have agreed upon a field trip date and school leadership has approved, team lead should complete the AAC Transportation Request Form. All requests must be submitted a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to the field trip date. April 15 is the last day requests will be accepted.
  • Each bus will cost $500. Corporate partners will select their method of payment in the AAC Transportation Request Form.
  • . Civic and nonprofit partners will check the box for *transportation grant funds within the AAC Transportation Request Form.
  • 3. Mentor Team Arranges Transportation

    You can contact Petermann Bus or First Student directly IF your mentor team:

  • Is not at a school district listed above in option 1, OR
  • The trip cannot occur between 9:30am and 1:30pm, OR
  • You wish to book transportation without the support of AAC.
  • ENJOY! Field trips are enjoyed by both students and mentors. Thank you for providing career and life experiences that they may not have had without you!

    * Thanks to the ongoing support of the Dater Foundation, Adopt A Class is pleased to provide a transportation grant program to help civic and nonprofit partners cover a portion of their field trip costs (if needed).

    Questions? Contact [email protected].