Virtual Programming FAQ
What video conferencing platforms can we use?
Our schools each have different platforms that they prefer and we know many of our corporate partners do as well. Please stay tuned for a full listing of approved platforms.
How long should each virtual session be?
Sessions should total an average of one hour per month. This can be broken into multiple sessions based on the needs, preferences, and attention spans of the specific class that you mentor.
What activities can we do?
Adopt A Class will be providing activity guides just as we always have. For this year in particular, the activities will be tailored to the online learning environment. Activities will be promoted through our monthly newsletters, social media, and on our website. Make sure you follow us on social media for the latest updates.
Can we do breakout sessions in small groups?
Yes, however they must be moderated by the teacher or other school personnel.
Since mentoring is virtual, can employees outside of the Cincinnati area participate?
Absolutely! This is a major benefit of our virtual platform. We anticipate the virtual engagements continuing for quite some time. Getting your colleagues, from other sites and regions, involved is a great idea to not only help build your team, but also increase your impact.
What do we do about our field trip?
Later this winter, we will be working with you to help you design a (likely virtual) field trip experience for your students that suits your team and your students’ needs. AAC will also be producing several recorded field trips. These videos will be viewable by all students and housed on our website.
Are there any changes to the AAC classroom donation request?
Classroom donations are an integral part of AAC’s operating budget. This year, however, we recognize that our corporate partners may be strained in ways they were not prepared for. We are happy to have discussions with each partner individually.
How are safety and security procedures changing?
In August, AAC will be sending out the safety agreement to be read by all team members and signed by all team leads. The main tenets of this agreement remain the same. (Please note that some schools will continue to require additional safety procedures.)
How many people are needed on each team?
Our in-person program requires a 1-to-4 ratio (1 mentor to 4 students); this is the recommendation for the most impactful mentoring. However, given our switchover to virtual mentoring, there will be more flexibility in this formula. We are suggesting 4-6 team members be present on each virtual session. If you have many more team members who would like to participate, please still have them join or consider alternating months so that the students may meet everyone on the team. We also encourage large teams to consider adopting an additional class.
Can we drop off materials at the school?
Yes. This will need to be coordinated with your teacher, the school’s resource coordinator, or your AAC contact.
Will students have access to devices to log in?
At this point, in most of our schools, students have been provided a device so that they are able to log in for online learning.
Does virtual mentoring work if students are at home vs. in the classroom?
Yes! Students will be able to log in whether they are at home or in their classroom.
My team could use a refresher training. How do I get that scheduled?
We suggest that all teams get a refresher training at least every three years. To schedule this, contact Kate McCann at [email protected].
My teacher doesn’t seem to be as engaged and responsive as in past years. What should I do?
Contact AAC’s School Relationship Program Manager, Zonieke Betts at [email protected]. She would be more than happy to assist in this situation.
Will Adopt A Class have an Adopter Symposium this year?
Yes, Adopt A Class will have our Adopter Symposium! We are planning a virtual event & training for the new and exciting changes coming this Fall. Stay tuned for more symposium details coming soon!
Where does your $550 Programming Fee go?
Excellent question! The programming fee that your company pays to Adopt A Class goes to cover the following: content creation, individualized on-site and virtual curriculum planning, onsite and virtual trainings for all teams, as well as our many fun events held each year! (Symposium, Happy Hour, Year End Breakfast, etc.) In addition, the fee that you pay allows us to be able to better serve our student population directly via in-class and virtual visits by our staff as well as the digital pen palling we have enabled this year. We are so appreciative of your support in helping us to continue to operate the best, and largest, group mentoring organization in the city!
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